2022 LinkedIn Statistics to Inform Your 2023 Lead Generation Strategies

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Here at Pearl Lemon Leads, we make use of the most effective lead generation for our clients, based on their unique needs. Often that includes heavy use of LinkedIn lead generation. However, with so many social networks out there now, some of which are far newer than others, some clients wonder why we often focus so heavily on LinkedIn.

The following statistics, taken mainly directly from LinkedIn’s own reporting, many of which are pretty eye-opening in general, go a long way to explaining that rationale. If you are currently starting to think about your lead generation plans for 2023 these are things you should know through lms software programs. And if you need help with LinkedIn lead generation once you have been persuaded how effective it can be, at Pearl Lemon Leads we’ll always be happy to help.

For now, however here are some 2023 LinkedIn statistics you need to know now.

General LinkedIn Statistics

There are more than 800 million users on LinkedIn from 200 different countries.

Wherever in the world, you want to reach and connect, with prospects the chances are you will be able to do so easily via LinkedIn. For businesses with global goals, this can prove invaluable.

On LinkedIn, there are 180 million American users.

On LinkedIn, there are 56.6% of male users and 43.4% of female users.

These LinkedIn statistics indicate that it is one of the most balanced social networks in terms of gender.

65 million decision-makers and 10 million C-level executives use LinkedIn.

One of the biggest reasons we make use of LinkedIn for the lead generation ahead of all other social networks for B2B lead generation is that those making the purchasing decisions are there, which is not the case for other channels, even though they might be a lot larger in terms of the user base.

Nearly 60% of LinkedIn members are between the ages of 25 and 34.

Contrary to what some might have you believe, LinkedIn users are not ‘old’. More than half of its user base can be sorted into the Millennial or Gen Z demographic, with the vast majority of the remainder belonging to Gen X. This means that networking and lead generation on LinkedIn is one of the most efficient ways to connect with a hugely diverse audience when it comes to age and stage of professional life.  

60% of LinkedIn users in the US make $100,000 a year.

According to Statista, the countries with the most LinkedIn users after the United States are India (81 million), China (54 million), and Brazil (51 million).

LinkedIn Usage Statistics

With 172800 new members joining LinkedIn every single day, 3 professionals sign up for the site every second.

Mobile devices account for 57% of LinkedIn traffic.

Most people are doing more and more on their mobiles during their working day, so it makes sense it’s their go-to for social networking too. From a lead generation POV this means that it is crucial that any content you post on LinkedIn is optimized for these mobile users.

Around the world, 1.17 billion people visit LinkedIn every month.

On LinkedIn, 55 job applications are made every second and 4 people get hired every minute.

To cement its reputation as THE social network for business professionals LinkedIn invested millions of dollars into its hiring platform infrastructure. That investment has paid off, as LinkedIn is now second only to Indeed as the top-performing hiring platform in both the US and the UK.

Executives cite LinkedIn as their top source for professionally relevant content in 91% of cases.

On LinkedIn, 280 billion feed updates are viewed each year.

Every week, 9 billion pieces of content are displayed in LinkedIn feeds.

LinkedIn users publish 2 million posts, articles, and videos per day. Every week, 3 million users post on LinkedIn.

However, only 8% of LinkedIn users take the time to post full articles, a missed opportunity that we take advantage of for our clients, especially based on the stat we just mentioned, the fact that so many business leaders say they are actively looking to the platform as their source of relevant content.

In fact, About 45% of LinkedIn article readers hold positions of authority (managers, VPs, Directors, C-level), so taking the time to post the content they are looking for can really pay off in terms of lead generation and brand building.

Every week, 3 million users post on LinkedIn.

One in four millionaires uses LinkedIn regularly.

If you want to reach the real heavy hitters, the chances are that you won’t find them on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll find them on LinkedIn.

16% of LinkedIn profiles actively share numerous posts per week, compared to 39% of users who never share information.

LinkedIn visits last 8.52 minutes on average and visitors navigate to 6.4 pages on average before leaving.

In 2023, LinkedIn Views of live streams increased by 437% over the previous year.

Only 2% of LinkedIn users do not belong to at least one LinkedIn group.

On LinkedIn, 36K skills are listed.

Users with premium accounts on LinkedIn make up 39% of the platform’s total users.

LinkedIn Statistics on Engagement

LinkedIn Statistics on Engagement

The majority of LinkedIn search traffic—99.63%—comes from organic search.

This means that keeping SEO in mind when creating content for LinkedIn is far more important than many people realize. The fact that at Pearl Lemon Leads we can draw on the expertise of some of the best SEOs in the business means that not only is the LinkedIn content we create for clients engaging but it ranks well in Google search as well.

Complete LinkedIn Profiles and Business Pages receive 30% more weekly views than incomplete ones.

The engagement rate on LinkedIn has increased by 50% since last year.

People are willing to spend time on LinkedIn, so to make the best use of it for successful lead generation you need to be willing to invest in providing engaging content for them to read.

Businesses that publish regularly find a 2x increase in LinkedIn engagement.

On LinkedIn, 98% of marketers concur that customization fosters stronger customer relationships.

LinkedIn claims that businesses may reach at least 60% of their unique audience when they post 20 times each month.

That figure is far higher than any other social network. For example, on Facebook businesses can only realistically expect to reach 25-30% of their unique audience in the same time frame.

On LinkedIn, a post containing links can generate twice as much attention as one without.

On LinkedIn, images generate 98% more comments on average than those without.

YouTube video links automatically play in the LinkedIn feed and often have a share rate that is 75% greater.

Complete and updated LinkedIn profiles receive 40 times more views and networking opportunities.

Aiming for between 1700 and 2100 words should give your content a boost because long-form content on LinkedIn receives the most shares.

The best LinkedIn articles for engagement have 8 photos and 5 to 9 subheadings.

On LinkedIn, the number of direct messages sent has climbed by 35% since last year.

LinkedIn members who actively participate in the content are five times more likely to visit every day.

People really do keep heading back to the platform to be informed by the content they can find there. 

Your personal LinkedIn profile will, on average, receive up to 17 times more views if you list five or more skills.

LinkedIn Statistics and Business Use

On LinkedIn, there are more than 57 million listed businesses.

On average, LinkedIn accounts for 46% of all social media visits to the business’s website.

LinkedIn has brought in consumers for 45% of marketers.

On LinkedIn, lead generation forms can triple conversion rates.

89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to generate leads.

On LinkedIn, 62% of B2B marketers successfully generate leads, more than twice as many as on the next-highest social channel.

Out of every 5 LinkedIn users, 4 are decision-makers.

In their business research process, 52% of buyers cite LinkedIn as the most effective channel.

People want to know who they are doing business with before they agree to make a deal. Making sure that you have a complete LinkedIn profile – both personally and professionally, for potential customers and clients to view is therefore a must.

With a LinkedIn hit rate of 10–25%, InMail has a response rate that is 300% greater than email.

38% of B2B marketers say at least some of their regular revenue comes from LinkedIn lead generation.

LinkedIn accounts for 80% of all B2B leads generated through social media.

LinkedIn is used by 97% of B2B marketers as a key component of their content marketing strategy.

Senior-level influencers make up 15% of LinkedIn users.

Before making a purchase, business consumers consider an average of 10 pieces of content, according to Linkedin.

According to the most recent LinkedIn statistics, 92% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as part of their digital marketing strategy.

Linkedin Statistics and Paid Ads

If you are going to include paid ads as a part of any B2B lead generation strategy – or of a marketing strategy in general, these LinkedIn statistics demonstrate why it’s the perfect platform choice for doing so. 

LinkedIn ads have a daily reach of 790.4 million people.

14.3% of people over the age of 18 in the world can see an advertisement on LinkedIn.

The advertising reach of LinkedIn has increased by 2.9% over the past three months alone

On LinkedIn, sponsored InMail opens average a rate of 52%, which is far higher than the average open rate for a standard email.

With 170 million users, the U.S. provides the largest LinkedIn advertising audience.

A 40% conversion rate is seen for LinkedIn Message Ads.

65% of B2B businesses say that they have acquired at least one client via LinkedIn paid advertisements.

Compared to Google AdWords on LinkedIn, the cost per lead is 28% lower.

90% of B2B marketers have seen a decrease in cost per lead thanks to lead generation efforts on LinkedIn.

According to LinkedIn, its “matched audience” targeting function increased post-click conversion rates by 32% and CTR by 30%.

LinkedIn Statistics and Top Business Brands

  • On LinkedIn, Google has 23.3 million followers.
  • On LinkedIn, Amazon has 23.2 million followers.
  • On LinkedIn, Ted Conferences has 22.3 million followers.
  • 20.3 million people follow LinkedIn on LinkedIn.
  • 15.9 million people follow Microsoft on LinkedIn.

These are just a few examples. There isn’t a single business in the Fortune 100 that does not have a LinkedIn page. No matter what size your business is, you should have one too!

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Pearl Lemon Leads Ltd.
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