Increase Your Sales With Our Lead Generation For Ecommerce

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Many consumers are willing to shop online more than you might think. According to statistica, Ecommerce sales are expected to reach $6.3 trillion by 2024

Online businesses, and ecommerce, have seen exponential growth these days, and there are various reasons for this. But one thing is sure- ecommerce is thriving. 

Well, this isn’t really news to you. This is why you ventured into this field. 

Though, it is also not news to your competitors, who may or may not have entered the field for the same reason as yours. 

The point is that running an online business is challenging. 

You can go on perfecting your products and doing your best to keep business running, and still, you might face the problem that your conversions are lower than your expectations. 

Or, you don’t have enough customers. 

And at times that you do, the next problem would be that it seems impossible to build meaningful relationships with them and retain them as your customers. 

Well, let us present you with an effective solution-lead generation. 

You might have heard of it. You might even be currently practising it. 

But if you’re still here reading up about it, then clearly, something’s wrong. 

Our team at Pearl Lemon Leads can help. 

Book a call to learn more.

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ideas, lead generation, cold email

Lead Generation In A Nutshell

Before we proceed, a potential lead is someone who has expressed an explicit interest in your products and services. Leads demonstrate interest by taking specific actions, such as clicking on your ads, following you on social media, or signing up for your email newsletter.

Lead generation for ecommerce firms is essential since maintaining a successful online store demands a consistent stream of clients. A creative lead generation strategy is required if you want to stand out in the cutthroat Ecommerce market.

Lead generation aims to bring targeted visitors to your e-commerce site. It guides them through the sales process until they are ready to purchase.

A strong lead generation strategy aids in generating warm, quality leads. It can also improve morale and company productivity. Your team will spend more time producing and closing sales than prospecting if your lead generation approach is effective.

Proven Lead Generation Strategies We Employ Here At Pearl Lemon Leads

Curious about how we can help you generate leads for your ecommerce website? Here are 7 proven ecommerce lead generation strategies we use:

Search Engine Optimization (Seo)

Most customers search for products and services they need starts online. They begin by conducting searches on search engines like Google. An effective SEO strategy will improve your site ranking in the SERPs, making it easy for prospects to find you. At Pearl Lemon Leads, we have an experienced team of SEO strategists who will make it easy for your target audience and potential customers actively searching for your products to find you.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

While SEO works as a long-term strategy for ecommerce lead generation, a PPC ad strategy is an effective way to get quicker results. PPC focuses mainly on keywords with competitive and clear purchase intent. While creating your PPC ad campaigns, we will determine the best places to place your ads based on keywords users search. Then you can set bids based on how much you are willing to spend for each click to your website.

laptop work, Cold Calling for Health Insurance, Lead generation, cold calling, cold email

Content Marketing

The internet has become a hub for all sorts of information for consumers before purchasing. Many prospects want to know about the best options on the market and what will best suit their needs. They want to know what product will bring value for their money, so, as a marketer, content marketing is something you should take in high regard.

With content marketing, you can share all information about your products and services as you desire. You can publish blog posts or articles to help your prospects make informed purchasing decisions. Furthermore, content marketing will help you build a reputation as a trustworthy service provider.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a valuable tool for both B2B and B2C ecommerce companies. Social media is a free platform for interacting with customers and showcasing your brand’s identity. Some platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer advertising options. For example, you can run ads to drive traffic to your site. Moreover, you can segment your ads based on demographic information like age, gender and location. You can consider more advanced options like age, career, education, etc.

Email Marketing

You should know that only some site visitors will be ready to buy on their first visit to your site. They will need more convincing and pushing to get them to “add to the cart”. Email marketing helps you stay in touch with them, and you can use their inbox to tell them about your new product, notify them of sales, discounts and incentives or any other information that might be interesting. You can also use automated email campaigns to send targeted messages based on the actions prospects they take on your website.


You know the saying “One-size-fits-all?”; that’s not the case with your prospects. You can’t reach everyone with the same marketing messages. With personalisation, you can tailor ads and offers to be relevant to various customers. Personalisation makes it easier for visitors to find what they want when they are ready to purchase.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

All marketing strategies’ main goal is to convert your visitors. It could be signing up for your email newsletter, purchasing or subscribing to your channel. CRO involves testing various elements of your lead generation campaign to see which is most effective- essentially, to gauge which converts people the most. Our team will help test everything from your product pages to the CTA’s you use. 

Now that you know how to generate leads, what are you waiting for? Give us a call.

Cold Calling Services, cold calling

There's A lot More Than Just Gaining Leads

There is a lot to expect with lead generation. But, your most expected result would be more clients and more revenue. Which, if lead generation is done properly and expertly, is guaranteed. 

More specifically, your business can score big wins with the following:


Brand Awareness And Reputation

Lead generation is generally getting in touch with potential or existing clients–striking up conversations with them through promotional emails. 

For potential clients, this would increase their awareness of your business. They will know you and will most likely purchase from your business if they’d need to. 

For current clients they’d feel special and even more interactive if you email them. They’d know that they’re important for your business (which is true). This increases your brownie points and brand reputation with these customers. 

Qualified Lead Generation

If you’re in the business of ecommerce, we’d assume you’re aware of lead generation or, in layperson’s terms, attracting potential clients. 

As said in the previous bullet, lead generation increases your brand awareness. It constitutes qualified leads or customers who will most likely purchase your products or services.

Sales Prospect Nurturing

Lead generation, or any marketing strategy, makes you more hopeful of higher returns. Your sales prospect is nurtured, and you gain more profit.

Starting honest, meaningful conversations that translate directly into increased sales and revenue.

The crux of the matter–increased sales and revenue. This will be guaranteed once you’ve established strong relationships with your clients and will soon attract more clients. 

Lead generation will pave the way for that.

Cold Email Marketing, lead generation

Let's Get Those Sales Up

E-commerce and lead generation go hand in hand so that a firm can interact with customers who will improve their sales by purchasing their products. E-commerce and lead generation are complementary to one another.

Our lead generation experts can aid you in growing your business by ensuring that you have a strong relationship and brand positioning with your clients and consumers, as well as assisting you in turning these people into sales. 

With more than two decades of experience, Pearl Lemon Leads is the man for the job.

So, what do you say? Let’s get those sales up. 

If you’re down, contact us now.

As Featured In

Video Case Studies

Transparency is one of our core values – we’ll show you EXACTLY how we’ve helped our previous clients to achieve their digital growth goals!

And there’s A LOT more where that came from! Click the big yellow button below to see more, or just give Deepak a call to discuss your lead generation goals. Pearl Lemon Leads provides the best lead generation London has to offer.

What they say about us

The client appreciated the positive experience working with the Pearl Lemon team. Their workflow was straightforward and always ready to answer any questions. They were very helpful in providing instructional videos and their speed of execution was impressive.
Scott Henderson
Pearl Lemon successfully helped the client raise a significant amount of funding. Communication is seamless through weekly calls and regular progress updates. They respond promptly to requests and delivers work ahead of time. They are proactive which resulted in ongoing collaboration.
Matthew Roles
Thanks to Pearl Lemon's SEO efforts, the client noted that their rankings returned and a number of their keywords have improved significantly. Their site also changed in terms of loading time and UX following as they follow the team's recommendations. They are responsive, helpful, and honest.
Sam Wilson
The project increased conversations with customers and increased understanding of the market. A reliable partner dedicated to their work, Pearl Lemon been notably responsive and helpful throughout the engagement.
Max Newton

Interested in our Lead Generation For Ecommerce services?

Book a call with Pearl Lemon Leads today.


The short and straightforward answer is that you will feel more engaged and see more sales. However, if you’re like us and like to see technicalities and the specifics, there are some core metrics and key performance indicators that you can check out.

Lead generation has existed long before social media, native advertising, or even Google advertisements. It continues to be the marketing approach with the highest return on investment (ROI) for various reasons.

We know that each customer is unique. Thus our pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis. We currently have three plans to choose from.

To have a better understanding of each plan’s complexity, we recommend giving us a call.

Contact us. We’d love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, book a call!

Contact us. We’d love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, book a call!