Frequently Asked Questions

Emails opened, emails replied to, LinkedIn connection requests accepted, reply rate, phone numbers dialed, call recordings, appointments booked, different types of leads generated and more

Via ZoomInfo, Uplead, Google Maps,, Find That Lead, Snovio, AnyMailFinder, any online available directory (Yelp, Yell, Trip Advisor etc), LinkedIn, Built With, and other premium databases.

We purchase identical/extremely similar names to your own domain

We can transfer them to you at anytime / Voila Norbert, Bulkemailchecker

Mail-tester, MX Toolbox, Glockapps, Litmus, IPQualityScore

Mailshake mostly, but also Send Koala & Lemlist

Google sheets & email

Bot traffic can be excluded from Google Analytics and Google Search Console. 

The admin tab will have all information relevant to the campaign. We will have your booking link, your contact information, the kickoff date, the playlist to your meetings, the campaign target, and folders for additional information.

A lead, as far as our lead list, counts as anyone that wants an appointment, books an appointment, wants an email for more information, refers us to someone else or asks to be contacted at a later date.

We will notify you via email/whatsapp and tag you in the relevant cell if there is something for you to action. Our team will take care of sending email follow ups and calling back potential leads to further qualify them and nurture prospects through the sales funnel.

We will follow up with leads 🙂 We will send emails for more information and “bump” those emails, we will call prospects back if needed and if you have a no show just let us know and we will chase them for you 🙂

The prospecting list is an autopopulated list that is filled in through a zapier integration from the list of people we connect with on Linkedin. This helps give you greater visibility on the profiles we are connecting with and gives us an additional list to call incase we don’t get a response via Linkedin.

If you see irrelevant leads in the prospecting list please let us know. We are more than happy to exchange a few emails or hop on a call to discuss targetting. Any insights you have only help us to help you 🙂

The email contact list is the list of prospects we have sourced to send your cold emails to.

If you are ever concerned with our targetting for your email campaign, please just let us know and we can restrategise.

We show stats for your email campaigns, cold calling, and linkedin connections. These are also broken down into who responds and reads messages

We run multiple email campaigns at the same time. These are often numerous 5 step campaigns, a 3 step campaign and a 1 step campaign.

We use two platforms to make calls. So, depending on what our calling team does, you may have both Crazycall stats and Aircall stats 🙂

Interesting conversations count as anyone that is asking for more information, asking about the company or any other conversation that allows us to further work the prospect through the sales funnel.

You will get a peak into our messaging by screenshots week by week. If you would like us to handle messaging differently, simply let us know how you as a company would respond.

You will get this report every Friday morning at 8AM BST.

Just let us know if someone ghosts you…we will follow up with them to try to reschedule.

We will often see some key decision makers take a brief holiday, if they have an out of office automatic reply set up, we will record it and contact them when they are back…so you dont miss a lead 🙂

For those that dont open or read just one message without replying, we will recycle the list and send them new copy in an effort to make a second attempt at contacting them.

This is a list of people that want to be contacted later and can be actioned in less than 6 months.

this is a list of people that want to be contacted later and can be actioned after 6 months.

yes, either via whatsapp or email we will send a midweek update in addition to weekly reporting. As always you will be notified of any leads that come in daily as well.

Crazy call is our automatic dialing tool. Our cold calling team uses this to have minimal delays and call as many people as possible. We will share stats through the length of the campaign. You will have a dedicated phone number within Crazy call as well.

Air Call is another cold calling tool we use to ensure our calls are recorded for you to listen to, it functions in a similar manner as Crazy call.

Yes, for requests for more information, we can cc you into communication incase you want to pick up the prospect and follow up with them yourself 🙂

Yes, prospects can call us back on your assigned number. We can also set up call forwarding to your number if you would like.

We can, we just need to know what you would like the message to say.

We sure do 🙂 We will practice with call scripts internally and make test calls before making final tweaks to the script and cold calling goes live.

Contact Us. We’d love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with us! If you’d prefer to speak directly to a consultant, book a call!