
Table of Contents Review


What is is an outreach tool that is designed to help users increase their business and engage with their leads better

You can use this tool to generate and verify your leads’ email addresses and to find new leads’ contact information. 

When you get the leads you need, you can nurture them and automate the outreach campaigns.

Users can get access to the Chrome Extension to get emails from people’s websites and LinkedIn profiles. 

Analysis of Features

Your dashboard gives you access to the following features:

  1. Prospects 
  2. Email finder
  3. Email verifier
  4. Email drip campaigns 


To add new prospects to your campaign, you can choose to manually create their contact details or import them from an already existing file.

Market Agencies

This is kind of hidden and hard to find on the dashboard, so pay close attention so that you don’t miss it. 


You can choose between importing or manually inputting the prospect information you need. 

If you choose to add prospects manually, this is what you’ll have to do:


The only required fields are the name, emails and the rest are optional categories that you can fill if you think it’s necessary. 

It really depends on how detailed you want your prospect lists to be. 

When you’re done, your prospects will be added to your dashboard. 

It will look something like this: 


When you click on individual prospects, you’re given even more details about them and their recent activity. 

Individual prospects

You can monitor their activity, find out the date they were added, and check which email lists they belong to. 

This is very helpful for people who manage hundreds of prospects because you are able to organize them better. 

When you’re ready to start your campaign, you’ll need to verify your prospects’ emails first. 

Verify List does this for you in seconds and color codes the results like this: 


Clearly, Paul Evan’s email address is non-existent (I made the email up, so that makes sense). 

The unverified emails are indicated in red and the verified ones are in green. 

Email verification is an important step to take in any email marketing campaign because it weeds out fake emails. 

It also saves you time and money since your emails will be sent to actual people instead of fake accounts. 

Another cool thing about the prospect feature is that you can include businesses as well. 


When you do this, all the company details and businesses you manage are put in one dashboard. 

It looks something like this: 

Marketing Agencies

If your prospects are businesses, then this is a great way for you to organize all their data. 

Email Finder can help you find the emails of your leads with ease. 

The problem is, the email finder is rather glitchy. Take this for example, if I look up my own name and Pearl Lemon’s domain, this is the result: 

Single Email Search

It couldn’t find my email address, yet my email is the easiest…it’s just


But the tool shows that it can’t find any emails under my name. 

Let’s try to look for Deepak Shukla’s email (the founder of Pearl Lemon). Perhaps there will be a better result for this. 

Deepak Shukla's Details

It got this one correct! offers the following email finder services:

  1. Single email search 
  2. Bulk email search 
  3. Domain search 
  4. Bulk domain search 
  5. Social URL search 
  6. Linker 

You can take some time to play around with these features and see if they all work well for your data needs. 

I’ve tried most of them and it’s clear that they don’t work well 100% of the time. You’ll find accurate emails 60%-70% of the time. 

Email Verifier gives you the option to verify emails before adding them to your prospect lists or campaigns. 

Verify Individual Details

You just have to type in an email to this search engine and it will verify it for you. 

Pearl Email

Verified emails are indicated in green and the process takes just a few seconds. 

This particular feature works pretty well, actually.

Email Drip Campaigns

You can also build email marketing campaigns on

Campaign List

Here, you can choose to manually create a new campaign or choose from their templates. 

If you choose templates, you get access to multiple types of campaign options. 

Email Templates

Your options range between pitches, follow-up emails, and introductory emails. 

Take a look at the Product Pitch template: 

Product Pitch

It’s pretty straightforward and easily customizable. The words in brackets are there for you to adjust to fit your company’s needs. 

If you’re dissatisfied with the available options, then you can create your own email templates. Pricing and Payment Plans

There are six payment plans available, here’s an overview of the options: 

For $33/month, the S Payment Plan offers:

  1. 1,000 credits 
    1. Use your credits on email finder (1,000 domains)
    2. Email validation (2,000 email addresses)
    3. Email drip campaigns (5,000 recipients)
  2. 5,000 unique recipients 
  3. Unlimited users 

For $66/month, the M Payment Plan offers: 

  1. 5,000 credits 
    1. Use your credits on email finder (5,000 domains)
    2. Email validation (10,000 email addresses)
    3. Email drip campaigns (10,000 recipients)
  2. 10,000 unique recipients 
  3. Unlimited users 

For $141/month, the L Payment Plan offers: 

  1. 20,000 credits 
    1. Use your credits on email finder (20,000 domains)
    2. Email validation (40,000 email addresses)
    3. Email drip campaigns (30,000 recipients)
  2. 30,000 unique recipients 
  3. Unlimited users 

For $241/month, the XL Payment Plan offers: 

  1. 50,000 credits
    1. Use your credits on email finder (50,000 domains)
    2. Email validation (100,000 email addresses)
    3. Email drip campaigns (50,000 recipients)
  2. 50,000 unique recipients 
  3. Unlimited users 

For $482/month, the XXL Payment Plan offers: 

  1. 100,000 credits
    1. Use your credits on email finder (100,000 domains)
    2. Email validation (200,000 email addresses)
    3. Email drip campaigns (unlimited recipients)
  2. Unlimited recipients 
  3. Unlimited users 

If you want to learn more about their payment plans, you can do so here. Pros and Cons

Here are the Pros of using

  1. Very user friendly 
  2. You can add individual and business prospects 

Here are the Cons of using

  1. The email finder doesn’t work perfectly 

Final Verdict is a good tool to use for email marketing campaigns and prospect finding. The final verdict is: scores 85%It would have gotten a better score but the email finder is quite unreliable. If you want other alternatives, you can try using or But if you want to use this tool, you can sign up for here
Contact Us

Company Address:

United Kingdom

Pearl Lemon Leads Ltd.
International House,

24 Holborn Viaduct
London, EC1A 2BN
United Kingdom

United State America

100 Park Ave #16, New York, NY 10017, United States

Contact Details:

UK: +44 20 8163 2608

US: +16502784421

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